
because motherhood has more ups and downs than an amusement park

because motherhood has more ups and downs than an amusement park

Saturday, June 26, 2010

zoo day, bubbles, tooth fairy, hugs, ladies night & tube sock

friday was our typically weekly zoo day. the chimps were active, the lions were not, the hippo was sleeping against the glass again and we marched through the zoo until it was unbearably hot and humid. we would continually retreat into air conditioned buildings [once to even get a snack] until we finally gave in and left the zoo. chicka fell asleep in the car on the way home which meant i would get a peaceful lunch.

right after dada chicka got home on friday we were bored but we didn't want to be outside. we decided to bring the an outdoor activity inside, BUBBLES! at first chicka was confused and a little scared. then, she soon realized bubbles were fun, but tricky! they moved a little too quickly and would pop once she touched one. i can't wait to til i can watch her run around chasing them! i remember making our own bubble solution and trying to get the biggest bubbles, laughing and getting sticky with popped bubbles. its a memory that i will keep forever...

the "tooth fairy" came and visited us last night because chicka woke up with a "white head" under her gums! her first tooth! momma chicka was sooo proud. she gave us no warning either! she slept really good last night and wasn't even crabby. i kept bugging chicka to get a picture but she had no part in it! this is the best we could do.

i'm teaching chicka some sign language and so far i know she is listening but she hasn't really signed yet. she kind of puts her fingers together for more but today she i was sitting there telling her hug and helping her sign it and BOOM BOOM! she did it back! i was so happy and she squealed with delight. she kept signing it over and over and i gladly gave her hug after hug after hug!

2 ladies and i last night went to stoneware studios and had a ladies night painting pottery! they are closing and this is their last monthly ladies night. treats, snacks and drinks were abundant and it felt so good to be with good friends without our children for once. instead of constantly keeping our eyes peeled for the wandering child or our laps full trying to entertain our little ones we could concentrate on each other. its was so nice to talk and get to know each other more. learning about our past explains who we are today. getting close to people in wichita is important to me since i feel like i don't have any close friends here.

i will leave you this crazy commercial i just saw on tv. wow. i'm scared and humored at the same time. again, wow.
chicka chicka boom boom, i'll write again real soon...

1 comment:

  1. Oh man, that commercial was hilarious! Congrats on the first tooth, hopefully they don't bother her too bad (I got lucky with Ethan, it never seemed to bother him). Also, good luck with the sign language! Mae from our mom's group is really good at teaching her daughter signs, if you ever bump into her, you should ask her about it, I'm sure she's got some good tips. Ethan was an expert at only a few signs...and oddly enough still signs "more" as he says it.
