
because motherhood has more ups and downs than an amusement park

because motherhood has more ups and downs than an amusement park

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

crazies & cherries

false alarm. i'm a crazy first-time mom. chicka's ears are clear and everything looks great. the doc took one look at her bottom gums and said she is "cutting like mad". i'm glad she's fine and just a normal baby but geez, this teething thing stinks! so off we went to target for teething biscuits and frozen waffles. i searched and searched chicka's gums til she got mad and i don't see a tooth bud or swollen bumps. granted i have no idea what i'm looking for. i'm praying for that morning when i take chicka out of her crib, have our morning cuddle and see her heart melting smile with an extra pearly glimmer inside... teething fairy, how about i pay you to come and give my chicka some relief?
bed head after a nap today

while chicka and i were at target i got my first bag of cherries for the summer... yum! no better way to end an exhausting day then to sit with a tall glass of ice cold water and a bowl full of cherries. my mouth is watering right now as i think of them... they were so delicious looking i had to take pictures. plus, any extra time behind my camera is desperately needed since i have no idea how to properly work it yet.

idea to ponder... what i am i still so proud of myself at successfully putting chicka to bed? every time [even for naps] she falls asleep on her own and in her crib i do my little celebratory jig to down the hall. also, why am i so fascinated at watching her dream? i literally could stand there for hours and watch her chest rise and fall. is it her peaceful face? the way she hugs her sleepy sheepy? i'm not sure but it makes me smile.

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