
because motherhood has more ups and downs than an amusement park

because motherhood has more ups and downs than an amusement park

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

worry wart

after three days of non-stop holding, crazy outbursts and this new being that has taken the place of my sweet baby i am throwing my towel in. in the back of my mind a seed has been planted that maybe its not teething and there is something actually wrong. this fear has blossomed into a full garden bed of worry with weeds of guilt. why didn't i console her more? why, after i set her down so i could piddle and she screamed [for the millionth time] to be held, did i get frustrated? going to the doctor and will update with an answer. right before her slumber she ate, pooped and played so i'm sure she will be on her best behavior to make me look crazy. stinker chicka.

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