
because motherhood has more ups and downs than an amusement park

because motherhood has more ups and downs than an amusement park

Sunday, June 13, 2010

baby steps, walker & a whiny hiney

man, i skipped a day again! grrrr... at least i didn't give up like i would have on a diet if i skipped a day.

momma and dada chicka have some crazy news. we were at aunt d's & uncle p's and little chicka was standing by a footrest when she let go turned toward momma and took 1 1/2 - almost 2 steps! we all just stood there for a second in awe and confusion! she turned to everyone and starting clapping like she knew she had done something good! we all busted out laughing. so outta the blue... then i had to ask "those were real steps right?" "like, official first steps?" i teared up on the spot. never been so proud or so scared!

after that, aunt d and i finally convinced dada chicka to head to the next town over to a target and get a walker when chicka went down for a nap. i know the issues with walkers and how dangerous they can be and all the negative hype behind them. i've read it all. she will get plenty of floor time out of the walker and if it entertains her for five minutes while i put the dishes away. great! hoping aunt d would get some quality time with little chicka i left chicka there and headed out with dada and uncle p. we were all amazed to find chicka still asleep went we had returned!

when chicka finally awoke we plopped her in the new walker. taking her a whole 2 seconds to figure it out chicka was racing back and forth across the kitchen. reaching towards me every now and then i found it funny that chicka was trying to decide if her new independence from momma was a good thing [since i was her previous 'walker']. go and be free little chicka and give momma's back a rest.

today we shoved the table and high chair into the corner of our kitchen and let chicka have free roam there. she also chased me around while i emptied the dishwasher.
here's some pics:
getting some lil' crunchies from dad
coming to get mommahanging out by the window
chicka has become the worst whiny hiney lately! she will be eight months tomorrow, too young by my books to be acting that way. i believe its those mean non-existing teeth of hers. whenever something does not please her, no matter how little, those little chicka nostrils flare and a nasally hyperventilating "heh, heh heeeeeeh" whine comes out. to most it would be cute. to momma its a little sad. i consider dada and i funny and goofy people. princess chicka has been making more and more of an appearance these days... something i was hoping we could avoid. lets hopes its those teeth, dear goodness let it be the teeth!
chicka chicka boom boom, i'll write again real soon...

1 comment:

  1. Hi Karen! Found your blog through the mom's group board. Little chicka is such a cutie and my bet is she'll be cruising around and will let go and be walking totally on her own within the next couple weeks! If so, be prepared....life sure changes once they're mobile (but you already know that).
