
because motherhood has more ups and downs than an amusement park

because motherhood has more ups and downs than an amusement park

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

all fours, stroller yoga, friends & baby weight

today was the day i thought would never, ever come. chicka was playing with her ball and it rolled just out of reach. she was in a pretty good mood so she didn't began to whine for it. she started to rock/lunge back and forth to reach it and eventually rocked enough to lunge onto all fours! chicka sat there for a second, not sure whether the situation she was in was a good or a bad thing, until i said "yaaaaaay!" and then i got a smile. she even rocked a little until... she decided it was no longer fun and she started to scream bloody murder to have me help her get out of her situation, but at least we are making progress. especially since standing is all she wants to do.

its wednesday and you no what that means? stroller yoga! me likey some stroller yoga. met at great plains nature center again since last week was so crappy. this time we were halfway around the mile track and it started to downpour!

rain+crabby chicka = run, mommy, run!

so that's what i did. it felt so exhilarating! i was out breath by the time i got to the center but it felt so good. i realized how much i miss running. after we went inside it was story time. every wednesday the great plains nature center has a free story at eleven. when the story was over, we went to the aquarium were we sat down to sing some songs. all the little fishes are swimming in the water, swimming in the water... and hop-a-long yogi. a good time was had for all, despite the rain.

lately, chicka and i have been keeping pretty busy. good thing, because we get bored easily. seems the tides have turned and we no longer feel so alone. we are making reliable friends and i just wanted to take my time and blog space to thank you all. thanks!

okay, gonna be brutally honest. i hate the leftover baby weight. i knew my body would change with chicka but all this leftover skin and this flabby thing that i now call my tummy is unimaginable. [don't even get me started on celebrities and there post-baby body bounce back miracle...] i know they say it takes 9 months to put it on, blah, blah, blah... well, chicka is officially 8 months and i'm nowhere to taking it off especially since i have stopped exercising and am in a rut. i don't like the way i look. i have stopped eating healthy and its getting me in a funk/depression. i'm all or nothing with my life. working out, losing weight, feeling good and eating healthy or a junk food junkie couch potato. i need someone or something to get me started on the right track again. grrr. thanks for listening to my rant and sorry but i needed to gethat it out.

i like to leave it on a positive note. its wednesday and that means halfway done with the week!i also can't wait for my first mom's night in on saturday! so excited.

to get your chicka fix:
cruising the window
trying to cruise the against the brick wall
getting dada's hair
my heart melts when i see this pictures. i can't believe how much she's grown and learned so far. i remember thinking if we keep her alive and well-fed we should be happy as a first-time parents. well, i'd say we are doing pretty good and then some.


  1. Yeah for happy babies, great parents and moms night out!! Looking forward to seeing you Saturday!

  2. She's so cute!

    Honestly I have no idea how the celebs do it or how much money it costs them to bounce back so fast because I'm fairly certain my stomach will never be flat again. Ever. I have some rock hard abs but they're still stuck under the post baby belly that won't budge! It sucks!

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Cora's so beautiful, especially with her big smiles and dimples. Getting back in shape is so hard to do. I want to work out but at the same time not leave Isaiah for too long. So walking around the zoo and stroller yoga has helped, since I can take little bear with me. I just need to step it up a notch, so if need a running buddy, I'll be there.
