yesterday, wednesday, was a busy day! it started with stroller yoga in the morning at riverside park with the usual routine followed by a picnic in the shade. carrying key-nibbling chicka back to the group after getting our lunch from the car i noticed there was no more jingling of keys coming from my chicka. sure enough my little chicka had dropped them in the un-mowed, honey i shrunk the kids grass! looking like a silly mom as i carried chicka sideways parallel with the ground i walked in circles trying to find them. what would dada say about this! luckily, with the help of another mom we conquered the jungle and found them! grass = 0, moms = 1. the day ended with a free wichita wingnut baseball game with our mom's group. we only stayed for two innings because of my infection and it was WAY passed chicka's bedtime but we were in the shade and they were winning. go wingnuts!today met yoga friends of ours at the keeper of the plains to walk around since it was cloudy and then head to the exploration place to let the kids get their "exploration" energy out.
little bear's mom invited chicka and i over for lunch, what a fun surprise! i love feeling special enough to go to someone house. it was fun seeing little bear run circles around chicka, getting into the door that doesn't latch by spider crawling his fingers into the frame and inching the door open! what a smarty pants he is! chicka passed out in the car on the way home exhausted from time spent with good friends and i'm sure little bear did the same!"pardon me, but do you have any grey poupon?"
chicka chicka boom boom, i'll write again real soon...
I can see you holding Chicka parallel to the ground looking for your keys....too funny! Totally sounds like something that would happen to me! :)