
because motherhood has more ups and downs than an amusement park

because motherhood has more ups and downs than an amusement park

Monday, June 7, 2010

First Entry

i've had a blog before and eventually stopped writing because i ran out of things to say. i would be a little nervous about starting this one except i've got a secret weapon... a baby! the new things will never end and who doesn't like to brag and go on and on about their kid? i know on many occasion when i ran my mouth and the poor prisoner started to get that glossed over look...well, i STILL kept going. if you are a mom you've been there...

well, i should start off by giving you my background. came from a small town in iowa, graduated high school, went to college, got married to my high school sweetheart, got my college degree (which i regretfully don't use), moved to wichita for my husband's job and now we've had a baby.

always hoping and dreaming about being a mother, i was more than ready to pop a bouncy baby out of my vag. i'm not sure why i was so darn eager since i have never even been around an infant for more than a day. i'm sure i must have thought there are more than enough people less qualified than me that have successfully raised a child. rather than really getting to know what raising a child is like and decide, i read about it because we all know that every baby is a textbook scenario [insert sarcasm]... so when we took the plunge and knew our actions would cause an irreversible and life changing event, i never thought twice.

i should have known when i had problems at 32 weeks, ending in hospitalization, surgery and bed rest, i was up for a crazy ride.

then, out came our little girl who i will call "chicka" or "chicka chicka" after the book/song chicka chicka boom boom. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FJEA0jzloK0. just like the coconut tree in the book sometimes i feel like i have too much up my tree [or on my plate] and eventually all the letters tumble out [i break down]. BOOM! BOOM!

motherhood is not what i thought it was going to be. there are more ups and downs than an AMUSEMENT PARK! i also didn't take into the consideration of my sanity and privacy. i didn't consider myself selfish in anyway but once you have a screaming, demanding baby who controls your life and never leaves your side, i begged to the heavens for 5 glorious minutes by myself so i could just think. then when you do get those 5 minutes all you can think about is that baby of yours! oh, motherhood and your evil twisted ways.

don't get me wrong. i love my little one and i know i'm doing everything to keep her safe, healthy, smart and loved! i thought it would just come easier to me. i don't know if any of you out there feel the same way but sometimes when i hear glowing moms who talk about their EASY baby and how the were born to be moms. honestly, i just want to scream or slap them silly and thank them for making me feel horrible because i actually admit that i've gone off the deep end... more than once. infact, i may still be there. have i had a shower today?... i'm not perfect, so don't act like you are.

rant finished. i love my chicka, i love my dada chicka and i love me.

i will end with a couple of recent pictures of my chicka chicka to oogle at:


  1. Great start, Karen! I think I will enjoy what you have coming... it's rare to find someone willing to admit that motherhood isn't always what it's cracked up to be. Your daughter is adorable, though!! Look at those cheeks!!!

    Where are you from in Iowa? My husband and I both graduated from Iowa State- can we be friends, or are we destined to be enemies?? ;)

  2. or IOWA STATE all the way! graduated from there too.
