
because motherhood has more ups and downs than an amusement park

because motherhood has more ups and downs than an amusement park

Sunday, August 29, 2010

caw-ap, j's birthday, planning

little chicka is becoming quite the little mimicker! she can now "talk" on the phone, "wash" the table, stir a big wooden spoon in an empty bowl to help "cook" and "read" a book! her newest is mimicking sounds. today in borders while reading the books we can't afford there was a book on clapping. i said "clap" and clapped my hands together. chicka clapped her hands clapped her hands and said "cap" then "caw-ap"! i was so stunned i must have made a funny face because she gave me the most concerned look. chicka is VERY perceptive! 1.5 months and she will be a one year old. sad times in momma chicka's heart. while i LOVE to watch her grow i hate admitting she is growing up. BOO.

had another birthday party this weekend. seems chicka's friends were born all around the same time because it's our 5th birthday in two months, geez. little "j" is the cutest little bleach blonde boy! mickey mouse was the theme and chicka was her normal social party animal.

when i first found out i was pregnant with chicka i planned on waiting til she turned 2 before even thinking of trying to conceive another one [preferably have our second when chicka is 3]. i wanted to give my full attention to chicka and didn't see the logic in having kids back to back. the closer chicka creeps to one the less i want to wait. i got the fever, baby fever that is. i'll be the first to admit it. not sure the hubbs is convinced in my logic [being ill will the baby fever] but we will have to see! i'm thinking it would make my day if we "pop" one out before chicka 2.5. if life only went as you planned it.


  1. OMG You have baby fever too?!?!? ME TOO!!! Ughhh. I know how ya feel that that daddy's are not on the band wagon... What to do? What to do?

  2. I say HAVE ANOTHER BABY!!!!! :) So far, having 2 that are 23 months apart has been challenging, but it's getting easier and soon I think it'll all pay off once they're best friends and can play together.

    And yes! I'm using picnik...I might even be a little addicted, so thanks for that! :)

  3. The first year was really hard - because I had a 2 year old mommy trying to help with everything - and she thinks she's big enough to do it all too. Now that Caitlyn is a little more independent and can kind of stand up for herself and Chloe is beginning to understand that if she isn't nice she won't have a playmate, it is getting better. Just this week they have started really playing together - like chasing each other and playing hide and seek and laughing like crazy at their games. I love how close they are now but did not the entire first year. LOL
