made some caramel corn for the first time... YUM
baby loves her bath
few pics of bubble fun
"wearing" momma's sunglasses
bath time in the sink at "neece's"
papa chicka's grandparents came to visit his aunt and uncle that live near hutch last weekend. i think they really enjoyed seeing chicka without everyone else hovering. we also went to the last day of the fair before it got too hot out. it was really nice to see them without traveling back 8 [with stops] hours to our native land. they also brought chicka's 1st bday present. eek. giving of the first bday present put it into reality. my thought was, if i wished it to go away or "forgot" about it, chicka would never EVER turn one. sigh. luckily, its still 1 month [-6 days] away...
money sucks. can't we go back to trading? i need to find a part-time gig. i've tried target, michaels, wal-mart, starbucks and dillions. nothing. i must be either overqualified or there aren't any openings. i can't find any evening/weekend jobs. i'm not willing to put chicka into a daycare because i literally had a meltdown [including panic attack + hyperventilation] when i thought of dropping her off somewhere... alone... without me. granted, she does need some momma-less time just as much as i need chicka-less time but we don't know anyone nor can i even bring the idea into my head of trusting anyone with her. i never thought i would feel this way about it.
when i first found out i was pregnant i had FULL plans on going back to work but when my income just barely paid for daycare, it just didn't add up. why would i work just to pay someone to watch little chicka? since i wasn't even in my field of education it was pointless. after the decision was made for me to stay home. then expenses came...
over halfway through my pregnancy 7 hospital stays with a $200 co-pay a day and at least 3-4 days per stay, bed rest at 32 weeks [meaning short-term leave WITHOUT pay because i hadn't been working there a year yet], a c-section, emergency kidney/ureter surgery (twice once to put ureter stints in and once to separate the fused ureter to my uterus), constant $40 co-pays to see the special urologist for follow-ups. when it was all said and done little chicka and i had racked up quite a bill!
we are slowly paying the hospital bills off and we have been trying to be good and stay on a tight budget but when those darn bills are due [and might i add why are they all due at the same time?] it just doesn't add up and for a week or two we can't even buy the essentials. i pray that chicka doesn't run out of diapers, or for us, toilet paper. if we do need something, out comes the credit card. granted we don't have a huge bill on that becuase we immediately pay it off when dada gets paid. infact, i don't own a credit card because i'm afraid of what i might do with it. cha-ching, cha-ching... it just really sucks when i see something i know chicka would love or the fact that my pre-pregnancy wardrobe still doesn't fit [i long for a shirt that doesn't show my muffin top] and i can't buy it. i know money can't buy love, thank goodness for that. i just really wish we would have to stop holding our breaths and crossing our fingers right before payday when the money runs out.
lemme know if any of you moms know anything legit or good because i need help! i'm a hard worker and will NOT let you down.
chicka chicka boom boom, i'll write again real soon...